Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I recently discovered that I am Grade A at wasting time and procrastinating. I follow another blog and explore every part of it I can. Different words within each article are hyperlinks to another website or blog. Yesterday I fell in love with a hyperlink. If I could like Garden & Gun, I WOULD. This magazine is trendy mixed with old south. It basically is everything I love in a magazine. Just thought I'd share my new favorite way to waste time. It's the BOMB.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Chan Luu. WHATTTT.

If I could "like" these bracelets I would. Chan Luu wrap bracelets and other jewelry are a favorite of mine lately. BUT, they are so darn expensive. I will admit to owning one. But here is the thing, I've decided that I want one in a different color. It would be outrageous to purchase another one so I have taken it upon myself to learn how to make them on my own. I will be able to personalize them and make them unique. One of my good friends Kate Miller brought it to my attention tonight that I have a lot of great "crafty" ideas but I haven't actually carried out a single one of them. Well here it is Kate, you may cut off my supply of coffee, animal crackers, and chic fil a if I do not finish this bracelet. I WILL FINISH THIS BRACELET.

That's all.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

YAY! Well, as of now I only have a few followers so I feel like I'm just talking to myself. So, Self, I'm super excited to start this blog and share things I love about life. I want to be known. I wan't people to see my life as it is. The biggest thing I'm liking today is the fact that I am saved by an amazing Savior. He has blessed me with an amazing community and I "like" it.

That's all.